Destination Mekong organized MeTAG Food Expert Group meeting on July 20, 2021

On July 20, 2021, it was another good milestone from our MeTAG Food Expert Group during the call facilitated by Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office and organized by Destination Mekong discussing the upcoming projects and how food tourism can contribute and be part of the tourism recovery region.
Some good ideas and thoughts were raised to drive resilience as well.

Destination Mekong organized the initial call of MeTAG Expert Group on SDGs & Climate Change

On July 6, the Mekong Tourism Advisory Group (MeTAG) Expert Group on SDGs & Climate Change was recently well established to address one of the most critical issues that need to be taken on serious action.
It was a very productive discussion in the first call organized by Destination Mekong and facilitated by Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office among MeTAG members who brought valuable comments and ideas to work toward Climate Change issues, especially within this region.
The recording is available here

Destination Mekong organized the MeTAG Education & Research group call

On July 5, the MeTAG Education & Research group made excellent progress on their call organized by Destination Mekong and facilitated by Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office.
The meeting was to discuss the potential upcoming projects and how to actively collaborate between the education sector and the industry, especially on sustainable tourism and the hospitality industry.
The recording is available here

Mekong Tourism Collaboration

Tourism in the Mekong Region is steered collaboratively by a public-private framework between the public and private sectors.

The Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office, which is the secretariat of the Tourism Working Group, and Destination Mekong, which is the destination marketing organization led by private sector partners, are both managing initiatives aligned to the GMS Tourism Strategy to create a sustainable and inclusive environment to support businesses and communities in the Mekong Region and provide benefits for all stakeholders – residents, travelers, and businesses.

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Destination Mekong organized the MeTAG Workshop of Health & Wellness Expert Group on June 23, 2021

On June 23, 2021, it was a very engaging conversation and good progress today from the MeTAG Expert Group of Health and Wellness on a workshop to get inputs for the upcoming potential projects.

Fruitful discussion and lots of value contribution from active members in different countries on how health and wellness can drive resilience and tourism recovery in post-pandemic.
The recording is available here