See Your New Normal: A How-To Guide to Excelling in Your Post-COVID Future Using Scenario Planning
Post-pandemic “New Normal” landscapes are taking shape around us. Which one could you find yourself operating in?
When you formulate a strategy for your organization, it’s not really crafted so you’ll be successful today, but mainly successful in the future. Logically, then, to map out an effective strategy today, it’s tomorrow’s landscape you need to visualize. But how do you know how your business landscape is going to look tomorrow?
These days, this is an even bigger challenge, because the pandemic has made “tomorrow” nearly impossible to foresee with any certainty. Over the past couple of years, we have been forced to reevaluate our true needs, rethink many processes and methods, and find (or invent) new ways to get things done. This inventiveness is a good thing – but the many pandemic-driven changes we’ve implemented have had a big, unintended consequence: A different – probably permanent – terrain has been taking shape. We are not going back to 2019.
Instead, you’ll be operating in some kind of “new normal” business landscape. What will it be like as a business environment? Much is still uncertain, and that means that things could still evolve in several different ways. The logical conclusion is that there is not just one post-pandemic scenario that will materialize, but several potential scenarios that could materialize. By visualizing these alternatives, you can already begin to anticipate the opportunities and challenges that could emerge for you, and see the strategies that will make sense for you. The best method for doing this is scenario planning.
That’s what this book is all about. SEE YOUR NEW NORMAL is a how-to guidebook that shows you exactly how to apply the process of scenario planning to the challenge of foreseeing how your own business landscape could potentially unfold over the next 1 to 5 years. It’s a slim book of potentially huge value!
About the Author
Woody Wade, based in Lausanne, Switzerland, is a consultant focused on business foresight, and frequently speaks and moderates events on the topic of future trends. Educated in the U.S. with an MBA from Harvard Business school, Woody has over 30 years of experience in international marketing and strategy development. During his career he has been a member of the Executive Board of the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (the organization behind the annual meeting of world leaders in Davos); was the marketing director of the world-renowned Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, and worked in Zurich for two Swiss private banks. His scenario planning work has taken him to over 30 countries.
See Your New Normal: A How-To Guide to Excelling in Your Post-COVID Future Using Scenario Planning
Wade and Company SA
137 pages | 9.2 MB